disebabkan gaji tak dapat, so tak leh la nak beli pape kat pasar malam semalam..tapi kalau la gaji tu dah dapat, mesti aku berbelanja sakan kan?
premis 1 : dapat gaji-ada duit
premis 2 : boleh beli anything i want
kesimpulan : duit pun habis..huhu

so itulah hikmah yang mungkin dah tak tersembunyi..hurmm..jadi bersabar la menanti yang pasti, akan dapat jugak nanti walaupun hari berganti hari..insyaallah..
selain dari memikirkan soal gaji tu, aku tanpa membuang masa (yeke?) mula menjawab soalan-soalan kuiz yang berlambak kat Facebook..ahah..dalam banyak-banyk kuiz tu ada satu yg aku suke..
What's your blood type personality?

disebabkan aku ini adalah dari golongan yang berdarah jenis A jadi adalah dengan rasminya aku ingin berkongsi disini apakah jenis perangai manusia aku ni..kepada sesiapa yang tergolong dalam kumpulan darah A ni sila baca dan faham sendiri..kalau tak faham,buat-buat la faham..kalau tak faham jugak,hurmm..tak yah la faham..tiada paksaan..

and the result is...tadaaa..mari kita lihat apa yang diperkatakan..
"A" have a deep-rooted strength that helps them stay calm in a crisis when everyone else is panicking.

Patient, but shows extremely fiery temper when they reach their limit, although that rarely happens.

Tends to avoid confrontation and seek harmony. Slightly introverted, shy and conservative, lacks communication, but they are sensitive to other's feeling. Inexpressive, seems apathetic, even towards people they love dearly.

Responsible, disciplined and organised. Always on time, down-to-earth and very serious in work, makes them very good subordinates, but they are not very good leaders, due to their inflexibility and stubbornness.
(am i? yes for not very good leaders..hek)

Prefer to do things on themselves, take pride in their own ability, not very prone to teamwork, because they often doubt others' abilities.

May be too strict and hard to please at times. Take things very hard, become very pessimistic, once they lose their faith, need rather long time to get back on their feet. (uhuk..terbatuk lak..)

These people are perfectionists, crave success and will work very hard towards achieving their goals.
(nobody perfect..uhuh..but i gotta keep trying)

Positive qualities:
Calm, Patient, Sensitive, Organised, Responsible, Serious and Punctual.
(yes..i.am.serious. cehh)

Negative qualities:
Inflexible, Stubborn, Conservative, Inexpressive & Pessimistic.
(kalau betul la..kena ubah nih)

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